Rodney Lusk, MD
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Do you read published guidelines for your specialty?
Why Not?
Don’t find them useful in my practice
I’ve read them in the past and can’t implement them
They are too long
Can’t remember the recommendations during patient encounters
Describe your other answer
Do you read the entire guideline or just the executive summary?
Entire Guideline
Just Summary
Read all the guideline because
I don’t want to miss any information
It’s the best source of diagnosis and treatment available for a disease
It helps me remember the recommendations
I feel obliged to read the whole thing
Describe your other answer
Read only the Executive Summary because
I get all the information I need in a shorter format
The shorter format makes it easier to remember the recommendations
The guidelines are to long and to much information for my practice
The guideline text recommendations are too hard to remember
Describe your other answer
How easy do you find it to implement the guideline recommendations?
Very Easy
Somewhat easy
Not very easy
Very difficult
Do you think recommendations structured in an algorithm flow, presented electronically during a patient encounter, would be easier to implement?
Yes, much easier
Yes, maybe a little bit easier
Not sure, I would have to see the application
No, I don’t think so
No, not at all
How important would it be to provide links to the guideline text for of each recommendation?
Not necessary, I wouldn’t use it
May be helpful
Not sure
Yes, I think it would be helpful
Must have this feature to quickly review the recommendation text
How important is it to be able to access the guideline template from within your EMR?
Must have it incorporated into my EMR
A link, within my EMR, to an application in the cloud would work, if the encounter printout could be stored in my EMR
Either in my EMR or link to the application would work
I would prefer to use an App because my EMR is just too complicated
I don’t have an EMR and I wouldn’t use the App either
How important is it for you to follow and document compliance with current guidelines?
Not that important, guidelines aren’t that helpful
Somewhat important, but there are always exceptions to guideline recommendations
It’s important but too difficult to do
It’s very important to show I’m compliant with guideline recommendations
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